Miranda's Sugar Scrubs

Wildberry & Vanilla Pie
Essences of Raspberry, Strawberry, Blackberry and possibly Snozzberry mingle delightfully with Vanilla and just a hint of Sugar Cookie. Get a sweet start on your day!
Morning Wood
Homegrown American Cedar combines with Sandalwood oil from the wilds of Australia with just a hint of Cinnamon bark in this robust blend. Who doesn't like to rub on their Morning Wood before the day's work begins?
Roman Spa
Crisp Cucumber blends with delicate Baby Powder scents; a subtle scrub that leaves you feeling refreshed and relaxed like a day at the spa.
A Clockwork Lemon
Get your daily Droog on with this tangy mix of Lemongrass and sweet Orange essences... you'll be cured all right, m'brothers...
Plain Vanilla
Plain and simple.
The Daily Grind
A delightfully coffee-scented scrub to perk you up. Contains real bits of coffee bean for extra scouring power.
Absinthe Minded
The liquorice-snap scents of Anise and Fennel combine with a touch of real Wormwood for this intoxicating sugar scrub. (Green Fairy not included.)
Cthulhu Cake
Celebrate your Inner Old One with this sweet-smelling blend, reminiscent of sweet vanilla frosting, angel food cake, and a -5 Saving Throw against Insanity.
Cthulhu Cake
Celebrate your Inner Old One with this sweet-smelling blend, reminiscent of sweet vanilla frosting, angel food cake, and a -5 Saving Throw against Insanity.